Our teams have once again been using their volunteering days for team building and most importantly giving back to the communities, we work in. In September, 2 teams of volunteers have returned to the Seacroft Forest Garden, a wasteland that is being transformed into a community garden in Leeds. They also grow vegetables which they give away to the community, helping with cost of living. This was arranged directly with the charity and supports our social value commitments with Leeds City Council.
The first group of 8 managers spent the day laying the foundations for a shed which will provide security and storage on the site. They also laid bark paths, creating walkways through the garden which can be used in winter. This was followed by a morning of volunteering by 15 local engineers building the shed and clearing two big areas for more plantation which will provide fruit and vegetables for the Seacroft community.
Both activities have been amazing, saving the charity weeks of hard work to get the space ready for winter and the next years planting season!
Its great to see our teams utilising their volunteering time for team building and using their skills for something different to their day jobs!