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Last week our team attended the ASCP 2022 Safety & Compliance Conference, Exhibition & Awards at the Celtic Manor Resort. The team had a great time witnessing the amazing work that is going on in the social housing sector including all the great solutions, products and services that are leading the way in safety & compliance.

PH Jones was a finalist for Heating Contractor of the Year for our great work in net zero carbon installations, upskilling employees and for our exceptional safety records. All with the aim to help our social housing clients futureproof their domestic heating systems by providing industry leading Net Zero support and services.

PH Jones also had the honour of sponsoring the category Product of the Year and the well deserving winners were PipeSnug for Product of the Year – Safety, Energy Efficiency and Wellbeing and Aico for Product of the Year – Improvement to Wellbeing and Environment.

Congratulations to all the winners and we look forward to next year’s awards!

Matt isherwood presenting an award