The East Lothian Council property stock includes solid fuel amongst its property portfolio as large areas are non-gas. The scope includes air source heat pump installation, electric heating and gas central heating installations/ replacements. We publicise articles on gas safety and energy efficiency to the general public through a number of media outlets including national television, radio advertising and national/local newspapers.
As with all our installations, all the boilers and associated components we use in our delivery of services are manufactured in the United Kingdom, significantly reducing the carbon footprint of the materials supply chain.
Our tried and tested approach to installation includes a pre-installation survey, giving the resident an idea of what to expect during the works, and an opportunity to ask questions, designing and purchasing the best systems for the project; installation – which includes our hazard check and provides a further opportunity for residents to ask questions or raise concerns; customer handover – where they’re given their information pack together with information about how to get the best from their new system, and then every installation is audited to check on the works, and check the resident is happy and understands how to use their heating properly.